

• Own or be the primary operator of a business.

• Your business (primary office) must be located within twenty mile radius of Douglassville, PA.

• EBBA is exclusive organization in allows only one business person and/or business representing each field of business to member the group. Hence, can member of EBBA these field of business is not already represented by an existing EBBA member. (i.e. if there is a plumber already admitted as a member of EBBA, another plumber cannot be admitted).

• Be of good ethical character.

• Possess a desire not only to promote and refer to the members of EBBA but to also participate in projects and activities aimed at advancing and supporting our local community groups, charities and organizations.

• Complete/submit the EBBA application to right for group review.

The above criteria have been set forth on website as illustration of some these requirements to become a member of EBBA and are by no means intended to exhaustive. The formal membership requirements and the official procedures for gaining admittance as a member of EBBA are set forth in the Bylaws of the organization which shall be controlling in all instances. To learn more about the membership provisions contained in EBBA Bylaws and whether you might be eligible to become a member, you are invited to contact any of the current EBBA Board Members.


Full Name (required)

Home Address (required)

Home Phone (required)

Mobile Number (required)

Company Name (required)

Business Address (required)

Work Number (required)

Fax Number (required)

Email Address (required)

Website (required)

College/Trade Education (required)

Number of Employees (required)

What percentage of ownership do you have in this business? (required)

What percentage of income is derived from this business? (required)

How many vested hours per week do you personally put into your business? (required)

Do you have personal ownership in any other business/s? If so, please explain: (required)

Years you have been in business, or years you have been representing your company: (required)

Detailed Description of your Business/Company (products, services, sales. etc.) (required)

Do you belong to any other Networking Groups/ Associations/ Chambers / are any exclusive? (required)

Have you ever been convicted of any crime involving fraud, misrepresentation and/or passing bad checks? If yes, please explain: (required)

Why are you interested in joining the Eastern Berks Business Alliance? (required)

What are you hoping to get out of membership in the group? (required)

Who referred you to the group? (required)

Please provide three references and their phone numbers other than the person who referred you. (required)